I Still Don’t Feel Old

I was subbing today in a class of 3-4 year olds today during their lunchtime and I had this conversation with a little girl:

Ms. Letty, how old are you?

I am 29.

You are 25! Everyone, Ms. Letty is 25!

Actually, I am 29.  That is 4 years older than 25.

::eyes grow wide:: That is OLD.

I know!  But I don’t feel old.

Neither does my mom…but she IS.


4 thoughts on “I Still Don’t Feel Old

  1. Candice says:

    LOL! That is priceless!

  2. SRM says:

    HAHA! Love it! I found you on the weekend blog hop and will be following your blog =) Stop by to say hi http://www.suburbanrebelmom.com

  3. Amanda says:

    LOL!!! That is so cute. I remember saying something similar to an adult who really wasn’t old but when we are so young 30 seems ancient 😉 I don’t feel old either and I hit the big 3-0 this year.
    Laundry Care

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