Tag Archives: photo booth

My Mid-Twenties, Welcome to Austin!

We are back.  I had an awesome weekend. I had a comedy roast to celebrate my upcoming birthday and boy howdy are my friends fantastic and wonderfully rude. I will share some pictures and jokes tomorrow.  Let’s get back to the past.   Chad and I moved from LA to Austin in the beginning of 2005.  I missed my family but I didn’t miss them enough to actually move back to Corpus Christi, where we’re from, so we moved to Austin even though I had only been there once.  It was a good choice.  We love this stupid city and we’re never leaving.

My early years in Austin I had the pleasure of performing with the now sadly defunct theatre company, Yellow Tape Construction Company.  The first play I did with them was I Love My Dead Gay Son: The Musical!, a musical based on the cult film Heathers.  That shit was hilarious.  We did a few other shows, a Christmas musical, one where we defeated the French with the power of Rock ‘N Roll, and space play where I had seven boobs.  I should probably delve into the plays further, but I will leave them up to your imagination.

Ultimate Christmas Musical: The Musical! I made the cover of XL

I Am Not Tartuffe photo courtesy of Wiley Maercklien

Warpstar Sexysquad

In 2006 I met my best friend Bridget.  We sealed our friendship at a Slip ‘N Slide party when I helped her into a pair of underwear in the middle of the street.  Here is a photo from that fateful evening:

Alcohol may have been involved.

Bridget and I used to go dancing at the Beauty Bar on Wednesday nights when the had their soul night called Tighten Up.  We used to get all fancied up and were widely considered to be the BEST DANCERS THERE.  By the end of the night we would end up in the photo booth, and the results were always ridiculous. Alas, Bridget moved to Boston in 2009, but I am trying to woo her back.

I was a very convincing Purple Rain era Prince for Halloween.

Tomorrow I will cover my late twenties and share some jokes from my roast.  Here is a bonus picture in which I don’t even know what the hell was going on.

Who knows?

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